A couple strings of thin spaghetti are clinging, but vicariously so. Time and conditions will tell if they fall, or cement themselves.
This afternoon I had this in mind, and my mind switched to a neighboring channel where I began to think of how twisty-turney our lives are, especially so when we are walking with the LORD.
This seems counter-intuitive to me. As a Babe in Christ, I'd adopted the presupposition of a linear walk with God. Instead, He's led me in many directions- up, down, across, this-way, that-way, here, there, nowhere, everywhere... rushing, slowly, with a smooth gait, with a limpy gait, a slow gait, sitting, lying down, being still (imposed, and self-imposed)...
Sometimes even a day where the goal is to get out of bed long enough to use the bathroom, or try to eat something, is as strenuous as a mountain climb!
Perhaps the way looks impassable- and we seek God to direct us as to whether we are to stop and turn directions, or to see if He provides tools to help us pass through...Is it an ending, or a new beginning?
In all this, the main thing is to keep moving, keep seeking. Even if it is a day in bed- seek Him, what could you do for Him this day?- Praise Him, encourage someone else, pray for someone else...
Or for stronger days- where you breathe, and it doesn't hurt; you look out, and you can embrace and enjoy the colors and tones, not having to quickly cover your eyes because of the pain and sensory overload... Yes, those wonderful days (minutes/hours) where we get a glimpse, a whiff- that there is still life around us, and we are still a part of it! For these, we prepare.
Even in the quiet days- time and effort are not lost. We are learning from Him, and there are so many great life and truth lessons to be learned on the bed of affliction!
After many months on the bed of affliction I'd wonder- what's the point! Even if I were learning more and more about God, His Word, His ways... what did it matter if I couldn't get out there and "DO something"!
But the LORD would remind me that He is more concerned with my "BEING"...; out of my being, the doing will come.
He would also remind me that I had become myopic. The Teacher would show me that there is so much more than this life yet to come. Anything I was learning, my Redeemer would use for His glory and to build up the Church, in this life, and the next!
Nothing goes 'to waste' in His economy, in His time.
Dear One- keep an attitude of adventure. We are on a great, mysterious journey- well beyond our mortality. In this present, He is seeking to teach us His ways, to prepare us for His divine appointments in this life and the next.
Seek Him.
The pictures I've included here of are from a couple of family trips we took- yes, long ago! I posted them to reminding me to keep on God's trail, wherever He leads- that is where He wants me- No matter the heights, or the lows, or seemingly treacherous ways~ I need to keep an adventurous attitude along the way, just as I had as a child on these adventures with family. My Father knew the way, he was trustworthy and led us through; Just as my Heavenly Father is trustworthy, and has sent His Son to show the way through~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ODe4sGCKxc I Will Follow, by Chris Tomlin
Isaiah 49:13
Shout for joy, O heavens! And rejoice, O earth! Break forth into joyful shouting, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted His people And will have compassion on His afflicted.
Isaiah 52:7
How lovely on the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace And brings good news of happiness, Who announces salvation, And says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Isaiah 54:10
“For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken,” Says the Lord who has compassion on you.
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